On Monday, June 30, Mik and I went to the Rockies @ Nats game because it was Bryce Harper bobblehead day. It was Mik's first experience taking his power chair to Nationals Park and he did great other than he really needs work on his backwards driving skills for navigating the Metro, especially the elevators, but I'm sure after a few more months of living here he'll get the hang of it.
Since we got there before they opened up the all the sections, we spent some time in the outfield concourse. Mik enjoyed checking out the heights of the pitchers that they have on the one parking garage. Also, we are looking forward to that area becoming a team store and hoping it ends up more spacious and thus more accessible compared to the current one.

Overall Mik liked the seats in Section 230. Of course, any ballpark with cup holders makes him happy even though these are a little low for him to easily use himself. The view is good other than some of deep right field is obstructed. The main thing he didn't like is that it is in the sun and it was a somewhat hot and humid day. However, the fact that the speakers aren't nearby and it is thus quieter than sitting in the concourse sections makes him still prefer this area over the others we have tried before. Plus, these seats are almost the cheapest possible (actually, were the cheapest when I got around to buying tickets the day before the game).

Next time, I think I will try to get the actual cheapest over in the upper outfield gallery because those are on the shady side. Also, maybe next time Mik will actually get around to trying some ballpark food besides the Boardwalk Fries because yet again that is what he wanted first and then the lines were crazy and it was hot, so we decided to go home rather than get anything else.