Saturday, July 4, 2009

Day 46: 4 States on the 4th of July

This morning we left the campground in the Boston area around 9am. Originally I had wanted to drive to Vermont and stay there yesterday and tonight, but back in March I found out that was impossible because for the 4th of July weekend you have to book three nights at a KOA. Thus we are still in Boston tonight and just drove through Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont today and back to Boston. It was about a seven-hour driving adventure in which Mik did not even get out of the car until we stopped for ice cream near the campground. It was fun, though, and now the only state the three of us have not been to is Alaska.

Along the way we stopped at the Welcome Centers in New Hampshire and Maine to get photos. Vermont did not have one the few miles we were in that state, so I just got a photo of the welcome sign. Now we are back at camp doing some laundry and using the Internet. We are planning to do a campfire tonight and roast marshmallows. Mik is happy that we are not seeing any fireworks on the 4th.

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